
Dad jokes

Original price was: $24.16.Current price is: $9.66.

SKU: JOKE_A Category: Tag:


Product description : DAD JOKES

But what is a Dad Joke? Let’s be clear, it’s a rotten joke, the one your father might make…
But it’s also a series of Quebec videos made by the Gaboom team (to discover urgently if you don’t know, it’s good to laugh sometimes!).
In these videos, 2 teams face off in a merciless joke battle. This game is an adaptation of these successful videos.
We form two teams, each team chooses its first player. The two players stand face to face for the first duel. Each in turn reads a joke, the first one to laugh gives a point to the opposing team. Each time someone laughs, another member of their team replaces them. The first team to score 5 points wins.
To cheer up players who are too serious, we add the “tell your joke…” cards. You must then read the joke in the way written on the card. For example, tell your joke with a Chinese accent!

Warning, this game contains a good dose of dark, crude, salty and sweet humor.

Strong points: 1000 jokes included, immediate pleasure: open the box and play straight away, laughter is mandatory

Data sheet DAD JOKES

Brand Randolph
Reference JOKE
Type of product Board game
Times minutes 20
Number of players 2-4
Dimensions 19x14x6.5
How many players can we play with? 4
In our catalogue since December 2024


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