- TOONY TERRORS: Quint and the shark from JAWS join NECA’s stylized horror figure line!
- COLLECTIBLE SIZE: 6-inch scale figures – the perfect size for your office desk, home bookshelf and so much more!
- FUN ACCESSORIES: Quint includes machete and harpoon spear accessories, while the shark includes an extra fin.
- COLLECTOR PACKAGING: Window box packaging comes with a bonus cutout backdrop, perfect for display!
- GREAT GIFT IDEA: Add this figure set to your personal collection or gift it to the JAWS fan in your life!
You’re gonna need a bigger boat. Joining NECA’s adorably creepy Toony Terrors figure series are Quint and the shark from JAWS! This 2-pack will include the pair in 6-inch scale, with machete and harpoon spear accessories for Quint and an extra fin for the shark. Comes in a window box packaging with a bonus cutout backdrop. Officially licensed.
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