SUPERTREES are a natural scale tree form indigenous to the Arctic tundra of Scandinavia. A distant cousin to our western sagebrush, their intricate detail and perfect branch structure produce an incredible scale tree unsurpassed in realism. THE PERFECT SCALE TREE! Pack yields approximately 30 trees ranging in size from 5 – 8 inches. Ideal for all scales! Foliage and matte medium sold separately. Illustrated instructions included. PLEASE NOTE: EXPORT NOT AVAILABLE FOR AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND OR BRAZIL, Contains Dried Plant Material! – Easy-to-Make Trees for any Scale – Natural tree armature material captures the airy look of the real thing. Just add Flock & Turf foam materials to simulate leaves. – Yields about 30-35 trees ranging from 5 to 8″ tall. Ideal for all scales.
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