Are you an adventurer who longs to explore the lone-lands of Eriador?
Then rejoice, for today Free League Publishing has announced The One Ring: Ruins of the Lost Realm set to be released this fall.
In the westlands of Eriador, between the Misty Mountains and the Mountains of Lune, the Hobbits found both Men and Elves. Indeed, a remnant still dwelt there of the Dúnedain, the kings of Men that came over the Sea out of Westernesse; but they were dwindling fast and the lands of their North Kingdom were falling far and wide into waste. A region often described as deserted becomes a crucible for adventure.
Wondrous exploration awaits in the world of The Lord of the Rings.
You are entering the Lone-lands of Eriador. It is here that the One Ring lies, a seed of the past that will one day lead the world to open war against the returning Shadow. The Enemy is moving, and smoke issues once more from Mount Doom, in the land of Mordor…
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